Escape Room Dead Mans Cove

| Company Trappd | Kettering


The waves slam and crash against the old rickety wood of the famous pirate ship; The Pillager of The Damned as it sails across the seven seas. The sound of the waves like a lullaby after being a desolate, abandoned prisoner for 7 years. So lonely, forgotten. The bars so familiar and friendly, your home for so long. The echo of the crew above your head, working, fighting and singing all to satisfy the cruel Captain Storm Jackson. Given his name for the thunder and despair that he rains down on anyone to cross his path. Always intoxicated and giving away secrets that only a locked away companionless soul could overhear. The plans to steal the legendary pearl…tonight.


2 - 6

Game duration

60 minutes

Open hours

9.30 am to 9.30 pm


2 Players : 39£
3 Players : 49£
4 Players : 59£
5 Players : 69£
6 Players : 79£

Cancellation policy

We do not offer refunds, however games can be rescheduled within 24 hours of booking

Age range

Suitable for ages 10 years and over. Players of 16 years and under must be accompanied by an adult.


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