Escape Room Mobile Escape Room

| Company Escape Game Events | United Kingdom


The ultimate in immersive team building. Everything you would expect from a traditional escape room brought right to your doorstep. This mobile escape room is perfect for those who want all the thrills and challenges you would normally get from a brick and mortar location but without the stress of organising a company trip out. Ideal for Escape room team building. You are a team of urban explorers and you have caught wind of a hot new spot to take some cool photos and see some strange sights. The old 1940’s hospital was abandoned many years ago but many of the wards have been left untouched. You decide to check it out. After a long evening of exploring, you decide to call it a day. But things take a dark turn when your group suddenly falls unconscious. Waking up several hours later, you find yourselves locked in one of the wards of the hospital. You must escape before whoever did this returns to finish what they started.


0 - 10

Game duration

15 - 60 minutes. Multiple game lengths available 15, 30, 45 and 60 minute sessions.

Cancellation policy

We unfortunately cannot refund after booking.


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