Classified 1
Breakout Cardiff, CardiffThe classified room see’s players sitting their final entrance exam to become a secret agent. ...
Celtic Temple
Exit Escape Room Athlone, AthloneLegend says that in the heart of Ireland near the Shannon River is a hidden celtic temple, and in it...
The Escapist
Modern Fables, LondonYour eerie escape adventure brings you to a once bustling underground bar called ‘The Escapist’, run...
Room 13
Atherton Escape Rooms, AthertonYou wake in a room & have no idea how you got there! Looking around you see everything has a cod...
Extinct - Escape from Jurassic Island
Houdinis Escape Room Experience, SouthamptonWelcome to Isla Revelles – a previously uncharted island which even the locals won’t go near, rich w...
A Hidden Past 1 - Southampton
Exciting Escapes, SouthamptonThe year is 1957, the Cold War is compromising domestic and international relations and dark secrets...
Escape from Alcatraz
Houdinis Escape Room Experience, Southampton23rd February 1952 – Notice of Execution: The year is 1952, you have been convicted of multipl...
The Legend Of Drakon
Trappd, WellingboroughSometimes, memories are the worst form of torture. The village used to be a cheerful, bustling towns...
The Cube
Cyantist, SouthamptonA really geeky room with Arduino based logic games. Well hidden items in a simple and clean room, yo...
Cryptology, NottinghamYou and your team have been selected to take part in a legendary Cypherdyne interview. A challenging...
CTRL ALT ESC, MargateScatty professor Alec Smart has gone missing in the midst of a very important experiment.The storm i...
Operation BlackSheep
ClueQuest , LondonProfessor BlackSheep, Mr Q’s arch nemesis,has been scheming and plotting against our agency an...
The Asylum
Atherton Escape Rooms, AthertonYou are a journalist investigating the mysterious disappearance of inmates within the asylum. Also, ...
Gold Rush
The Escape Game, SwanseaIt is America, 1848. Back during the gold rush a man called George Thomas owned a local gold mine, a...
A Hidden Past 2 - Southampton
Exciting Escapes, SouthamptonThe year is 1957, the Cold War is compromising domestic and international relations and dark secrets...
Escape the Titanic
Houdinis Escape Room Experience, SouthamptonOn April 10th 1912 the largest ship ever build left Southampton on her maiden voyage. She was called...
The Vault
The Strategy Sunderland, SunderlandThe year is 1942 and you were involved in the planning and delivery of a local bank robbery. Whilst ...
Cryptology, NottinghamAfter years of planning and excavations the tomb of the nefarious Rameses has finally been unearthed...
JM's Office
Hint Hunt, LondonA crime scene investigation where a private detective (JM) has found a dead body in his office and h...
Spy Room Decipher the Voynich
Room Escape MK, Milton KeynesChief Librarian, Valery Ulanovsky, has got hold of a classified document which has the state secret....
The strange case of Professor Crowhagen
Enigmatology, Stockton-on-TeesThe year is 1921 and the renowned Teesside archaeologist and explorer, Professor Nathaniel Crowhagen...