Magic Portal
Escape Time, CornwallThe magical barriers between this world and the next are breaking down, and only you and your team h...
The Forsaken
Trappd, WellingboroughThe silence woke her. The same dream again. The circle that she could not escape, the faint flickeri...
Mission 60
The Real Escape, PortsmouthOur squad had to make an emergency escape because the enemy’s demolition team is incoming. There are...
Dead On Arrival
Trappd, NorthamptonAfter a blissful weekend break visiting family you are in the midst of a long car journey home. You ...
Dead Mans Cove
Trappd, KetteringThe waves slam and crash against the old rickety wood of the famous pirate ship; The Pillager of The...
JM's Office
Hint Hunt, LondonA crime scene investigation where a private detective (JM) has found a dead body in his office and h...
The Chocolate Factory
Escape Time, CornwallThe Chocolate Factory has malfunctioned and has run out of ingredients.
The problem is the owner is ...
The Outlaws Of Red Rock
Trappd, PeterboroughAn old legend surrounds the mysterious town of Red Rock. Strangers talk of an ancient rare jewel sai...
Lab Heist
Escape Rooms Durham, DurhamAgents; Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to infiltrate Durham Nano Laboratories and stea...
Outdoor Escape Room
Escape Game Events, United KingdomFlipping the concept on it’s head, this escape room team building challenge doesn’t have you trying ...
Hotel Room Homicide
Escape Game Events, United KingdomHotel Room Homicide can be set up in any hotel bedroom. In this escape room team building challenge ...
Maine State Prison
Trappd, CorbyHidden deep within the government system, there is a prison so disgraceful that officials refuse to ...
The Bunker
Locked In, FolkestoneAs the bomb sirens grow louder, can you escape from behind enemy lines?
The year is 1944 and you are...
The Chocolate Factory
Escape Time, BirminghamThe Chocolate Factory has malfunctioned and has run out of ingredients.
The problem is the owner is ...
Not Guilty
Mission Exit, DukinfieldYou and a group of friends have been framed for a murder that you didn’t commit. You have one hour t...
New World Order
Exit Escape Room Athlone, AthloneFind and disarm the bomb before time runs out! The game is based on conspiracy theories.
The Log Cabin
Atherton Escape Rooms, AthertonA retired detective leaves a distinguished career blemished with just one unsolved case. A group of ...
The Escapist
Modern Fables, LondonYour eerie escape adventure brings you to a once bustling underground bar called ‘The Escapist’, run...
A Hidden Past 2 - Southampton
Exciting Escapes, SouthamptonThe year is 1957, the Cold War is compromising domestic and international relations and dark secrets...
Room 13
Atherton Escape Rooms, AthertonYou wake in a room & have no idea how you got there! Looking around you see everything has a cod...
46 Below
Trappd, NorthamptonAfter years of dreaming, you have finally booked your Arctic Adventure! Clambering onto the plane, y...
A Hidden Past 1 - Southampton
Exciting Escapes, SouthamptonThe year is 1957, the Cold War is compromising domestic and international relations and dark secrets...
Live Escape Salisbury, SalisburyAt what was thought to be an abandoned facility in the heart of Salisbury, there’s been moveme...