Escape Room Mobile Rage Room

| Company Escape Game Events | United Kingdom


Had a tough day, week or even year? Rage rooms are the ultimate new way to let your team vent some steam. locked inside our bespoke, 360 degree viewing unit, you and your team get the chance to destroy a choice of work related items in the name of stress relief. Armed with a choice of destructive tools from baseball bats to crowbars, it is your job to ensure that every single last piece of those pesky items are destroyed, whilst your team watch on and enjoy the fun. We all know what it is like when the phone doesn’t stop ringing, well now is your chance for pay back. Rage rooms are the new fun and light hearted team building activity that will bring your team together through laughter and excitement. so don’t be shy and give it a try. (all smash-able items are supplied by us, you can not bring in your own items to smash).



Game duration

10 minutes.

Cancellation policy

We unfortunately cannot refund after booking.


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