Live Escape Salisbury, SalisburyAt what was thought to be an abandoned facility in the heart of Salisbury, there’s been moveme...
The Outlaws Of Red Rock
Trappd, PeterboroughAn old legend surrounds the mysterious town of Red Rock. Strangers talk of an ancient rare jewel sai...
Mad Scientist
Locked in North Wales, AbergeleYou and your team have been captured by a MAD SCIENTIST, you woke up in the cell, its dark cell and ...
Dr Villain’s Revenge
Project Escape, MiddlesbroughThe evil Dr Villain is back with an all new evil plan. After heroes thwarted his previous efforts to...
The House of Frankenstein
Room Escape Southend, Southend-on-SeaA game for up to 8 people (contact us if you wish for additional). Help doctor Frankenstein save the...
Anarchy of the Seas
The Escapologist, SelbyOhhhharrrr me hearty! Having been caught out on the seas – captured by a notorious pirate. On The Bl...
Lab Heist
Escape Rooms Durham, DurhamAgents; Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to infiltrate Durham Nano Laboratories and stea...
The Rainbow Syndicate - Robyn Yew
We have received intel Marty Orri has a masterplan called ...
Clown Prince Of Crime
Exit Escape Room Athlone, AthloneEscape the trap room before the Joker comes back.
Game based on comic books.
Mr Borrowdale's Study
Escape Rooms Durham, DurhamYou wake up in a strange dimly lit study belonging to Mr Borrowdale, Durham’s most feared resi...
Escapism Chester, ChesterYou’ve been trusted to retrieve some sensitive data but this everyday apartment isn’t what it seems....
The Breakout
Enigma Escape, LondonYour boss was recently sent to prison. With the help of the internal post officer, he sent you an im...
Wessex Cold Case Unit
Salisbury Escape Rooms, SalisburyCorruption at the heart of the Wessex Serious Crime Squad? Called in to re-examine their investigat...
Hangover Déjà Brew
AIM Escape, LondonAn 18-plus experience for pleasure seeking adults. The morning after the turbo-charged stag night be...
The Killer
Enigma Escape, LondonYou have been invited to watch tonight’s premiere The Killer. It’s not a coincidence tha...
The witching hour
Cornwalls Great Escape Rooms, NewlynThe insane witch Demelza Circe has escaped the high security prison with the intent to steal one of ...
The Missing Link
Aftermath, LondonAn escape room is a physical adventure game in which players are locked in a room and have to solve ...
Winter is Coming
Game Over Escape Rooms, DerbyThe last great barrier keeping the undead hoards at bay has fallen. All seems lost. They do not slee...
The Missing
Escapism Chester, ChesterSome people enter the forest to never be seen again… What happens to them and why can they never be ...
Spy Heroes
AIM Escape, LondonYou’re going undercover. Your friend James has gone off the grid and you need to check if he’s OK. Y...
Game Over Escape Rooms, DerbyYou are intentionally caught and put in the holding cells of the parliament building. You must first...